Wednesday, October 30, 2013


So I love Pinterest...
I love looking at baby stuff, recipes, tips for cleaning...
but most of all CRAFTS!!!!

I found this on pinterest....  but it was a super expensive etsy item
So I decided I could free hand it 
I'm pretty happy with how it turned out
I'm really excited to start making some baby crafts as well!

Sunday, October 27, 2013

It's A Girl!!!

Baby is a girl :) 
We are so excited!!!!!
The ultrasound appointment went really well. There was only one thing that they weren't able to see.
The doctor said that they were supposed to see this part of the heart and they couldn't get a pic of it. 
But then he said they did get a good picture of the 4 chambers and that eliminates 90% of any heart defects. 
So if they had seen the other part it only eliminates another 5% of problems. 
He said 3 times that it was nothing to worry about or stress over. 
So for now we are trusting that she is healthy and has a strong little heart <3
Having the ultrasound was a lot of fun and excitement. 
It was so comforting to see her and know that everything they could see was healthy and strong. 
Our ultrasound tech was really nice and super friendly. 
As she was doing the ultrasound she was telling us what everything was and that our baby was doing great and was super active! 
Which is good because it shows she is healthy. 
Baby B was being super wiggly! She was moving all over the place like a naughty!
The ultrasound tech kept trying to get pictures of things for the doctor to look at and for us on our print out and DVD but baby kept squiggling. We loved seeing her cute little body! She was so tiny but it was fun because she had arms and legs and a cute little face that we could see. It was funny because there would just be this big dark spot on the screen and then all the sudden her little face would peek through for a second and then it was gone. She looked kinda like she was playing peek a boo with us already! 
It was so fun when she said that the baby was a girl. I got a little teary eyed and looked over at Danny and he just had a big ol' grin on his face.  
It's nice to have tangible and visual proof to know that the baby is actually in there. Sometimes I get scared that something is wrong because she isn't moving all the time but then I poke my belly and prod at her until I feel a kick in protest. 
I know I'm being an annoying mom already! 
It's so fun to feel the little kicks and punches and just squirmy baby movements. I love when Danny is able to feel some of the kicks too! His face lights up every time with complete joy. 
We love our little one and can't wait to get to cuddle her and see her!
Over half way done :) 

Sunday, October 13, 2013

19 Weeks!

So I hit the 19 week mark!!!
As of tomorrow only one week to go til we find out if baby is a boy or girl :)
If you would like to guess you can leave a comment on my blog. 
Please don't comment on the post on facebook
I'm trying to keep most the pregnancy stuff on the blog for now

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Pregnancy Hormones

So I figured that pregnancy would not get the best of me emotions wise...
Boy was I WRONG!
One minute I will be super happy, like out of control almost. 
Before I know it I am super mad about any teeny little thing that isn't going right for me. 
And don't even get me started on crying just out of the blue, seriously. 
Today I started crying for no reason.
Baby, it's a good thing you are so exciting and will be super cute!
What I predict you'll look like if a sweet princess:

And little man:

Saturday, October 5, 2013

18 weeks

18 weeks! And baby is a mover :) 
Nausea and vomiting has subsided and so has frequent restroom trips
People keep bugging me to post pregnancy pics so here is one from today...

The baby bump is starting to look like an actual baby bump and not just a pot belly. 
I'm getting super excited to find out what baby is!
Only 2 weeks to go :)