Thursday, December 5, 2013

27 Weeks

So I'm now 27 Weeks along and my belly feels huge and looks huge. 
I have started sleeping less and less due to being uncomfortable. 
I have also started having really bad back pain. 
Baby seems to always be stretched out diagonally across my stomach. 
To sum it up...I am UNCOMFORTABLE!!!
It just barely hit this week. Before that I was feeling fine all the time and didn't know why people kept asking me if I was feeling uncomfortable yet. Now I know and I also know that it is just going to keep on getting worse and worse. But, in the end we will have a sweet little baby girl, which will make this all worth it. 
Only 13 weeks left! It's crazy how slow time seems sometimes and then how fast it seems at others. 
I can't wait for baby to be here with us, but at the same time we have a ton to get ready for still! 
On a completely different note we put up all our Christmas decorations this week and got our tree! It's a little smaller than I am used to but it was like half the price of the bigger ones so we decided we'd better save some money where we can :) We like it though. It's a pretty fat little tree but it's nice because it is bushy and full. We are busy busy right now. Danny is finishing up his classes and getting ready for finals next week! 
I am still subbing every day and running to different schools all the time. It is totally wearing me out. 
All in all, life is great and we are having a lot of fun even with being busy. 
We got to see both families for Thanksgiving so that was nice. It's nice that they are both pretty close to each other so that even when we move a little ways away we will still be able to see everyone for holidays :) 
Well, that's about it for now!

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